
You, your e-class and copyright: Being a Role Model Digital Citizen

Everything Mathematics and Teaching

But I can do that, I am using it for the school and do not make money off it as it is educational use of copyrighted material under the claim of Fair Use. How many times did you hear teachers making this statement? How many times do we find a good worksheet from the internet, copy it and hand it out to the class. Even better, the class ask you to post it as a PDF on Facebook or on your Blog!

Are you really sure this is true? Do you know the difference between Copyrighted Material, Creative Commons and Public Domain content and when can you really claim Fair Use? Don’t you think that it is vital to consider this?

And here the low blow: Think how quick you are to lecture your students about plagiarism …….. Now ask yourself if you are modelling good digital citizenship for your…

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